I Fell in Love with Barcelona

Someone once told me that Paris and Barcelona are like NY and LA – two completely exceptional cities with different vibes…and I’ve never felt a truer statement. Which is why I understand how I was able to fall in love with Barcelona almost immediately after arriving.

When I arrived in Barcelona for the first time, I was exhausted, excited, stuffed up, hungry, eager to explore, and couldn’t help but think “I’m finally here!”

For a little background: 2 of my dear friends from Salt Lake City were in Barcelona serving a mission for our church. Before they left, the said the magic words “come visit any time!”

Well, as we all know it doesn’t take much for me to fly across the world! So I started planning my trip.

But it wasn’t easy. I was dealing with multiple jobs and astronomically expensive flights to Europe. But I’m a firm believer in things working out when the time is right, and I found myself booking a trip to Paris and Barcelona with 2 friends…to go visit 2 other friends!

Up until this point, I’d never considered going to Spain, let alone falling in love with Barcelona.

And yet often it’s these unexpected and unanticipated trips that end up making the greatest impact.

So back to arriving in Barcelona.

I landed in Barcelona with a stuffy head. My ears didn’t pop on the RyanAir flight, and I was congested like a grubby little kid, without the snot falling out of my nose. I felt like there was cotton in my ears and everything was a little muddled.

But I wasn’t going to let that stop me from enjoying my time with my friends. We met my missionaries a few hours after getting checked into our hostels and spent some time wandering around the Gothic Quarter.

Even though I was stuffed up, I couldn’t help but be completely in awe at my surroundings. The architecture of the Gothic Quarter, the party in front of the cathedral, the feeling of the nearby sea, the beautiful languages being spoken all around (as my friends and I attempted to converse in Spanish, not Catalan) were all a recipe for falling in love with Barcelona.

The next day, my friends and I said goodbye to our missionary friends and found ourselves on the coast. Maybe this was the catalyst for me. I miss being close to the ocean. Feeling the salt in the air, the casual way people get around, the Mediterranean sunshine beating relentlessly on my face, the sounds of the ocean and sand…all of it was what I didn’t realize I needed at that time in my life.

Another thing that made me fall in love with Barcelona was the fact that it plays home to one of my favorite restaurants in the world – Mustafa’s Gemüse Kebap!


Back in 2014 I studied abroad in Germany. After a class field trip to a castle (Germany – right?), one of my classmates convinced us to stop at this döner food stand in Berlin. He promised us an amazing meal, if we would just be patient and wait in a super long line. Always down for good food and a fun experience, I was game. And so were a few others.

Of course, it turned into one of my favorite food experiences of my life, and I didn’t think I’d eat there again anytime soon.

Until I discovered that Barcelona plays home to another leg of the franchise. Of course we waited in line, and of course it was totally worth it!

Even though I had limited time here, even just walking around made me fall in love with Barcelona. The architecture – from Gaudi to the Moorish influences – was something I hadn’t seen before. It was mesmerizing.

I’d been to the Arc de Triomphe in Paris and also Bucharest, but I think the one in Barcelona is my favorite.

I also couldn’t help but be in awe walking around La Sagrada Familia. It’s super tacky and gaudy, but to the point that it draws your attention and makes you wonder.

If I had more time, I would have loved to simply walk the streets of Barcelona, no destination in mind. Some day, I’ll return to this magical place. But for now, I’ll romanticize it as much as I possibly can!

Have you ever been to Barcelona?

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