Things to Do in Paris – A First Timer’s Guide

Whenever you start researching for things to do in Paris, it can be quite overwhelming. Believe me, I was definitely one of those people feeling all the overwhelms and feels.

There were just so many options of things to do in Paris, things not to miss, things that I just HAD to do if I wanted to say that I’ve “done Paris,” and whatever other SEO-catching articles other bloggers wrote, of course focusing on whatever sponsorship they had going for them.

I read dozens of articles on what not to miss. Because yes, even though I tend to shy away from the popular tourist attractions, there are just some that I couldn’t pass up. And even then, there were some that blew me away.

And…others that I felt like I could have skipped.

Waiting in line for hours in a hot museum to look at an ugly picture, only to be shuffled around with hundreds of other tired tourists was something I wasn’t looking forward to, and not something I can say I’m glad I did.

But more on that later.

I want to document what I did in Paris on my maiden visit. I want to record what surprised me, what I wish I had passed on, and what I would recommend to others.

And although I always travel without regret, it’s hard to squeeze everything into one visit. There were a few things that I am surprisingly looking forward to on a future visit.

What NOT to do in Paris

Let’s start this article off right with a list of general things not to do in Paris. This might surprise you if you aren’t familiar with my style. I won’t tell you what attractions to miss, but offer a broader point of view to hopefully get you thinking about your own style and goals.

Don’t eat solely French food

I’m so glad I took this one to heart. Whenever I visit a new destination, I love to immerse myself in it: the culture, the history, architecture, people, music, traditions, and food. I was all prepared to eat everything French: everything Julia Child made famous; everything I’d seen on cooking shows on YouTube and Netflix; everything on all the social media posts.

But the more articles I read, and the more I looked at the types of restaurants people were recommending, I was reminded of something important.

Although French cuisine is one of the pillars of modern cooking, Paris is one of the world’s largest gastronomic epicenters.

People from all over the world flock to this city to establish their own style…amongst the heavy-hitting giants. So while there are, of course, multiple establishments that serve traditional French food, there are restaurants from all over the world.

And it would be a shame to miss out on some of them.

So instead of only eating French food, check out that Japanese/Thai/Sudanese/Columbian place.

When I was researching what to do in Paris, one of my biggest desires was to taste as much delicious food as possible – no matter where they were from. In addition to eating at some traditional restaurants and boulangeries, I also patronized Japanese and Californian-inspired restaurants.

Don’t worry about how you dress

You can find dozens of articles online that talk about how to dress when you visit Paris. How to blend in and not look like a tourist. How to channel the local fashion. Or even how to dress for specific seasons, depending on when you visit.

But the stark reality is this – locals can spot a tourist a mile away.

My advice? Don’t dress to fit in. Dress however you want.

Don’t follow someone else’s “Best Things to do in Paris” itinerary blindly

I try not to create too many location-based itineraries that spell out exactly what you need to do in a certain place. Why? Because you’re different than I am.

Our travel styles aren’t exactly the same. We have different tastes and I never want to make anyone feel like they missed out if they didn’t do XYZ at a location.

So I offer the same advice to you on your first trip to Paris.

Look at the guides that travelers have published, but think of them more as a…guideline, rather than doctrine. Take their advice on specific attractions, but know that their exact circumstances on their trip aren’t the same as yours.

What I like to do, and what I did for my first trip to Paris, is to research multiple blogs and read a handful of articles from travelers that I have a history with, and then pick and choose which activities they recommend that align with my personal goals. I wasn’t aiming to make my list of things to do in Paris look identical to anyone else’s.

Don’t forget to leave room for spontaneity!

One of the pieces of advice I still offer to other travelers is to leave room for spontaneity. Don’t book your things to do in Paris itinerary with barely enough room to breathe. Leave chunks of time for those fun “discoveries” you’ll make while abroad or on the road.

Lastly – don’t fall victim to tourist traps or thieves

There are plenty of recent articles you can read about tourist traps and thieves, and I’d recommend you Google the latest scams to avoid. A few that I will point out:

  • Thieves and opportunists tend to congregate around tourist attractions for the most part.
  • Don’t make yourself a target – keep your expensive items locked up in a safe at your hotel, always know where your cell phone is, and just be aware of your surroundings.
  • Any restaurant that has employees outside on the street with menus, begging you to come eat inside is never worth your time or money.
  • Only get in cabs/ride shares after you’ve matched their plates and they have the meter running.
  • Take care to purchase entry tickets at authorized locations – like the ticket counter or online. Don’t buy them from some rando on the street, no matter how “good of a deal” it is.

Now that we have all this out of the way, let’s move onto a lighter side of this article: things to do in Paris!

BUT! This isn’t going to be a traditional list of things to do in Paris!

Why? Let me reiterate – we all have different tastes! I’m not a museum fan, and you might be! I might be a bit more adventurous when it comes to food, have certain preferences, and most certainly a different budget.

So let me offer you some helpful hints and a glimpse into what I did for my first visit to Paris, and hopefully inspire you to create your own itinerary!

Things you SHOULD do in Paris

Once again – this isn’t a step-by-step guide on what to do in Paris for your first visit. Rather, consider this a guideline to help you plan your own adventure. I think I have a good formula to experiencing a city for the first time and I’m eager to share it with you!

Find a viewpoint from which to admire the city

One of the best ways to introduce yourself into a new city is to see it from above. Getting a good vantage point not only helps you to become oriented with the layout, but helps visitors not get highway hypnosis where they focus on one particular aspect.

Paris has plenty of places to gain a high vantage point: the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, Basilica of the Sacré-Cœur in Montrmartre are just a few that I experienced. Even getting up to the top of a tall apartment complex will do the trick.

Personally, I didn’t want to pay to go up to the top of the Eiffel Tower. To me, the skyline of Paris isn’t complete without the iconic tower. So wherever I viewed the city, I wanted to make sure the Eiffel tower was in it – so my favorite viewpoint was from the Arc de Triomphe at night, and Basilica of the Sacré-Cœur at dusk.

Schedule at least one epic dining adventure

Like I mentioned before, Paris is full of delicious food. There are literally hundreds of Michelin-starred or Michelin Guide-mentioned restaurants scattered throughout the city. You can find cuisines from all corners of the globe. Bakeries on every corner, grocery stores stocked with all sorts of exotic food, and markets in pretty much every neighborhood.

It can be quite overwhelming, to be honest. All this good food. So much food, so little time, amiright?

Do yourself a favor and schedule at least one epic dining adventure for yourself. Whether it’s a picnic along the river or in front of the Eiffel Tower, a food tour, dinner cruise along the Seine, or a multi-course meal at a 3-star Michelin restaurant, you need to have at least one cuisine-based adventure on your things to do in Paris itinerary.

I have been a big fan of Chef Dominique Crenn for a long time, and before my visit to Paris, I discovered that she had a newer restaurant in Paris. I made sure to make the reservation well in advance and couldn’t have been happier with my decision. There’s just something so romantic about dining at a Michelin-starred chef’s restaurant in Paris.

Go on an organized tour

I’m all for DIY adventures, and if you’ve been a reader for a while, you’ve seen it woven into many posts on this website.

But sometimes it’s fun to let someone else make the plans and “be in charge.” And it also helps cut down on the amount of decisions you have to make as a traveler.

Some organized tours I’ve been on around the world include food tours, bike tours, museum tours, and bus tours.

Bigger cities like Paris have a plethora of tours that you can take, and I encourage you to add taking an organized tour to your Paris itinerary.

When planning this trip, one of the things I just had to do in Paris was a food tour. France is the culinary capital of the world, with so many cuisines melting together, so much history surrounding not only the food but the techniques in which they are made, and I wanted an expert to show me the ways.

I obviously haven’t been on every tour in Paris, but I can confidently say that the Paris Montmartre Food Tour I took with Secret Food Tours was absolutely amazing! Cheese, meats, baguettes that were still warm, chocolates, and so much more! Ugh, take me back!

Accept that riding the metro is the best way to get around

Just in case you’ve been living under a rock, let me clue you in. Paris is huge. Like, massive. The streets were engineered back before cars were a thing, so forget your nice little grids like a lot of major US cities have. Add in there gobs of tourists, too many cars, and you’ve got yourself the makings of some of the worst traffic in Europe.

Ooookay, that might be an exaggeration, but getting anywhere in Paris via car is a nightmare. The best way to get around is by using the subway, or metro. There are trains that arrive every few minutes and don’t have to navigate as many obstacles as we do on the surface.

Coming from the US, it can be a little intimidating to all of a sudden become subterranean with transportation, but it’s so worth it. Plus, you don’t have to stress about car rentals, accidents, or finding parking!

And if you think taking taxis or Ubers around town will be quick – think again!

I honestly love taking local public transportation when I travel. It helps me get a better feeling of local life, is always cheaper, and a fun break from my usual commutes at home!

Schedule some down time

Last but certainly not least – you need to schedule in some down time when in Paris. You’ll be go, go, going all day every day, and you definitely need to keep your stamina up and your ankles unswollen.

So make sure you schedule in some down time. Hang out at a park for an hour or so during the day. One of my favorite memories from my first trip to Paris was hanging out at the Luxembourg Gardens on a rainy afternoon.

Don’t be afraid to sit at a cafe for a while and just people watch. Not only is people-watching one of the most recommended things to do in Paris, it gets you off of your feet (because, well, let’s face it – you’ll be walking a ton in Paris).

It’s better to take an hour or so a day to reset than to be dead-on-your-feet every night. Trust me, this was something I had to learn the hard way after years of traveling.

Get outside of your comfort zone

The whole point of traveling is trying and experiencing new things, learning more about the world, and seeing how other people live. It’s hard to do that if you stick to the same routines from back home.

Try a new cuisine. Check out that museum that has exhibits you can’t pronounce. RIDE THE METRO!

Paris is a land of opportunity to experience so many wonderful things, and it’s right there. There are so many fun things to do in Paris that you almost have no excuse to try something new!

So that’s my unconventional list of things to do in Paris! Hopefully your first visit to Paris is full of delicious food, mind-opening experiences, and a desire to return!

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