WHY we need ADVENTURE in our lives

We need adventure in our lives. Without adventure, our lives become a stagnant string of beige days that can be summed up into one or two sentences at the dinner table discussion at Thanksgiving.

Adventure is all about attitude and looks different for everyone. While some people are comfortable risking their health and safety for the latest Instagram picture, others get a thrill out of simply trying a new restaurant.

Related: What is an Adventure?

Whatever your choice of adventure, one thing is certain: we NEED adventure in our lives. The chance to grow. The chance to try new things and evolve.

Take a minute and think about the last time you felt the jolt of excitement as you tried something new for the first time. How awesome was it? Wouldn’t it be great if you could experience that same excitement more frequently?

Because you CAN!

Here are some specific reasons as to why we need adventure in our lives:

You need adventure to spice up life

Think about your last few weeks. Can you remember what you did every day? Or do your days blend together into the beige void like I mentioned earlier?

Nothing is better than an adventure to pull you out of the rut of daily living. Instead of the same schedule every day, throw in a new restaurant, an art gallery, hike, or blind date to add a little zest to your routine.

run the dirty dash 5k - why we need adventure in our lives
Try a 5k, even if you’re not a runner like me! The Dirty Dash was so much fun and created bonds with new friends!

Adventure widens your perspective

Take off the blinders and life hypnosis! Throw away the tunnel vision that your comfortable schedule gives you and actually take a look around at all the wonderful things that this day and age has to offer.

Have you ever heard a variation of “you don’t know what you don’t know?” Adventure allows you to look at life differently and often through the viewpoint of someone else.

hugging the sky atop a citadel in the Transylvanian mountains in romania - why we need adventure in our lives

You meet new people outside your circle

You need adventure to locate and join your village. By seeking out adventures that are your cup of tea, you’ll find yourself surrounded by people with similar interests, with the opportunity to naturally become fast friends.

All of a sudden you have a new group of people to make memories, adventure, and socialize together. This is so important if you’ve been feeling stuck or bored with your current circle of acquaintances.

new friends on a bike tour in prague - why we need adventure in our lives
Go on that tour! Every time I visited a new city in Europe when I studied abroad, I booked a city bike tour to meet other adventure-seekers!

You need adventure to discover something new

Life is meant to be lived. You never know where your next hobby will come from, when your latest talent will develop, or how your newest obsession will take over.

You won’t know whether or not you’ll like something until you try it. Go ahead – take that class; eat that weird food; hike that mountain!

jumping shot on a large rock in a flowered field in the mountains - why we need adventure in our lives

Adventure gives you stories to share

Give yourself something new to talk about. Having adventures turns you into a natural storyteller. Whether it’s casual conversation at the dinner table, updating your social media status, or writing home, you’re guaranteed to have something new and exciting to talk about!

We’ve all got that one friend (or maybe more) that likes to tell the same story over and over, mainly because it’s the only exciting story they have to share. Don’t be that person!

presenting the glacier in canada - why we need adventure in our lives
How many of my friends can tell about the time they walked on an actual glacier?

What are you waiting for? Why do YOU think we need adventure in our lives?

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why we need adventure in our lives pin - me hugging the sky again in transylvania