Introducing the Adventure is Never Far Away Academy

Have you ever looked at someone and thought, “wow, they live an adventurous life,” and wondered if you could ever lead one as well? My friend – the time has come.

Introducing the Adventure is Never Far Away Academy!

Everyone deserves to live a life full of adventure, and now you can too!

Imagine what it would feel like to wake up in the morning, excited for what the day has to offer. Knowing that you’ve created a life where new experiences are your norm, and everyone you know craves to hear your stories.

Now imagine having the skill to turn your daily tasks into adventures at your desire, crush any mental and physical roadblocks on the path to adventures, and live your life with an adventurous mindset.

You might be thinking that “this is some ridiculous dream life that could never be mine. I’m not adventurous. I have limitations. I have to work. I have a family I take care of.”

Let me tell you something. It doesn’t have to be a dream.

This has become my reality over the past few years and it’s a reality that I’m ready to share with you. To teach you my tips, tricks, and techniques.

Introducing the Adventure is Never Far Away Academy - picture of 2 women in a sea kayak paddling by a waterfall in Alaska

Why you NEED the Adventure is Never Far Away Academy!

I help individuals struggling with listlessness, stagnation and monotony in their day-to-day lives go from feeling bored and detached from the world, to experiencing excitement and feeling fulfilled, invigorated and alive by cultivating an adventure mindset so that they can regain their sense of identity and self through seeking adventures in everyday activities. 

I have spent the last few years learning how to create adventures and document them on this website (where thousands of you read along each month – thank you!), find amazing travel partners, and deal with all the negative aspects that come with living a life full of adventure.

The crazy part of all of this was that it has all happened organically.

I started from scratch, skeptics and doubters all around, while paying off student loans, working paycheck to paycheck, juggling familial, community, and ecclesiastical responsibilities, trying to have a social life, and having a full-time job (and often with side-hustles).

Having adventures, big and small, local and abroad, has brought so much joy to my life and I want to teach everyone how to do it at their own pace and within their own circumstances.

I want you to start living your best life. Today.

Now comes the exciting part.

I’ve decided to break everything down into the Adventure is Never Far Away Academy, teaching you exactly how to create the adventurous life you’ve always dreamed of having.


For one simple reason: to prove that adventure truly is never far away. I’ve found the secret ingredients to creating a life full of adventures and it’s time to create other adventurers out there. It’s time to bring them into the light.

No holding back – all cards on the table.

Yes, some adventures have you skydiving in the desert, eating bugs in Southeast Asia, and risking your life on daring adrenaline-filled outings.


Adventure is so much more than that!

Road tripping a few hours away from your hometown!

Trying a new restaurant down the street where you can’t pronounce any of the dishes!

Renting an electronic scooter and cruising around town!

Introducing the Adventure is Never Far Away Academy - shot low to the ground behind a rear tire of an SUV, showing the road and flowers passing by

Now, knowledge is power, but it won’t help you much unless you have the practical tools to apply it into your own life.

That’s why the Adventure is Never Far Away Academy comes with step-by-step tutorials, directly from me. I will take you from your current starting point and walk you through the process of creating the adventurous life you didn’t know you could live.

Adventure doesn’t have to be dangerous. You don’t have to fear for your life. You don’t have to go shark-diving or trekking through the jungle. Adventure is all about attitude.

Let me repeat that, loudly.

Adventure is all about attitude. Trying something new, or trying something differently than before. Willfully choosing to walk a path that was previously unknown to you. I will teach you how.

Sure, you can spend hours upon hours looking for videos elsewhere.

Sure, you could ask your buddy how to do XYZ and hope he doesn’t lead you astray.

Or, you can join the Adventure is Never Far Away Academy and get it all in one nice package, created by someone whose life revolves around adventure.

Introducing the Adventure is Never Far Away Academy - woman in pink tank posing silly on a bridge

What exactly IS the Adventure is Never Far Away Academy?

When it goes live, the Adventure is Never Far Away Academy will have a series of 20+ videos at open, along with tutorials and worksheets to help guide you on your journey towards an adventure-filled lifestyle of your design.

And since this is an academy, there will always be new additions to the ever-expanding curriculum.

The benefit is that once you join the academy, you have access for life! So you’ll always have access to the latest and greatest adventure cultivation has to offer, rather than old and outdated information.

Not only will you have access to all of my knowledge and resources for creating your own adventures, I’ll take you with me on some of my recent and upcoming adventures.

I’ll show you step by step how I plan out, prepare for, and execute solo adventures, group adventures, and how I capture the memories I create.

Through the essential knowledge and hands-on lessons, you’ll be able to come to the academy with any experience level, age, or situation in life, and be able to create, plan, and execute adventures that fit your desires, budget, and lifestyle.

Time is precious, and I don’t want to waste yours or my own.

This isn’t going to be like YouTube where you watch a 10 minute video and get one nugget of information.


There will be efficient delivery of information and tools – the things that matter the most, and actual steps to take.

Introducing the Adventure is Never Far Away Academy - 2 women showing off their colorful shirts during HOLI festival

The Adventure is Never Far Away Academy is incredibly comprehensive, but no matter what, you’ll inevitably be left with questions. I get it.

With membership to the Academy, you’ll have access to the exclusive Facebook group, complete with a community of like-minded, adventure-seeking individuals.

The benefit you’ll have is just that – a community of supporters, potential adventure partners, and, of course, myself.

People to support you, hold you accountable, and a place you can turn to for help. Start surrounding yourself with others who have an adventurous mindset and find the motivation to keep moving forward.

How do you join the academy?

When companies create a physical product, they usually start with a prototype. They want to get something into the hands of their consumers as early as possible, receive feedback, and use it to create the best final product they possibly can make.

Because I want to make sure the Adventure is Never Far Away Academy has everything you need, I’m doing the same thing.

Prior to the official open, I’m going to be holding a 5-WEEK LIVE MASTERCLASS VIA ZOOM FOR 25% OFF the Academy cost.

For 5 consecutive weeks, we’ll meet for an hour together over Zoom. Each class will build on each other, giving you the perfect stepping stones to reach your personal adventure goals!

Those who participate in this LIVE masterclass will receive full Academy benefits, along with taking advantage of the lowest price that will ever be offered.

The reduced price for the LIVE masterclass will be $524, which is a massive savings opportunity. And that means you get complete access into the insider track to creating a life you could only ever dream about. Once this LIVE masterclass begins, the price will not be offered at a discount again.

I highly encourage you to take this step towards creating your adventurous lifestyle. Don’t waste another minute.

Once the masterclass has ended, the finishing touches on the Academy will be added and it will go live for all. For only $699, you’ll get all that the Adventure is Never Far Away Academy has to offer, including direct access to me, access to the exclusive Facebook group, a community of support, and so much more to come.

This may seem like a lot of money to you, and trust me, I get it. Before I started adventuring, I found myself spending money on things to hopefully bring joy and excitement back into my life.

But it was all money down the drain.

Frivolous junk that didn’t add any value to my life (it only added debt), hours spent scrolling down some rabbit hole online or consuming mind-numbing streamed programs, only to emerge and wonder: what happened to my time?

Think about it – when was the last time you tried something new for the first time? Struggling for an answer? On the flip-side…when was the last time you binge-watched a show because you didn’t know what else to do?

Introducing the Adventure is Never Far Away Academy - 2 women running through blue bubbles in the bubble run

When I learned how to create adventure in my life, everything changed. My days were things I looked forward to. Tasks became fun challenges.

And even better, my outlook on life improved. I was no longer a zombie going through the motions, feeling detached from the world (thanks 2020). I was excited. Energized. Feeling better than I ever had before.

And I want that for you! I want to help you find that zest for life again! Let’s redefine adventures and create the exciting lifestyle that you’ve always wanted!

Life is far too long to let all the days run together without feeling joy and excitement. Life is too short not to start chasing your passions today. Enroll today and I’ll see YOU in the ADVENTURE IS NEVER FAR AWAY ACADEMY!!