Start the New Year Right – Go on a Solo Adventure!

For most people, the thought of going on a trip somewhere usually involves sunny, warm weather…not the dead of winter. But for me, the desire to start the new year right has become a sort of tradition that I didn’t realize until recently.

In 2021, still reeling from that crazy 2020 year, I spent January and February in both Puerto Rico and Oahu, respectively.

In 2022 I managed a quick weekend trip to another sunny location on the coast.

2023 has continued that trend in an attempt to start the new year right with a solo jaunt to New Mexico in January.

When I first started booking these trips, I was taking advantage of super-affordable flight deals. What I didn’t realize was this self-made tradition was doing more than just saving my bank account a few hundred bucks.

These winter retreats are actually time for me to reflect, recharge, and set intentions for the year ahead. They’re opportunities for me to learn something new and leave room for self-growth. When you start the new year right with a solo adventure, whether at home or abroad, you are setting yourself up for success in the new year.

Here are just a few reasons why you should start the new year right with a solo adventure at the beginning of it.

Getting out of your comfort zone will start the new year right

Adventuring solo, especially to a new place, is a great way to grow and learn. I’ve found that sometimes the familiarity of my home and hometown can make it easier to fall back into routines, keep my thinking small, and stay in my comfort zone.

We are shaped by the places we frequent and the people we are in constant contact with. Traveling somewhere new, no matter how far away from our hometown, allows us to explore our own identities in a new way. It allows us to be whoever we want to be.

There’s just something thrilling about traveling to a new place where nobody knows who you are or what your story is. It grants you the freedom to present yourself in whatever way feels truest to yourself at that time. If you’ve got a complicated past, going someplace new where you’re essentially starting over gives you freedom from judgement or preconceived notions.

If you are looking for a way to bring a specific kind of energy into your new year, leaning into different sides of your identity on a solo trip can be a fun way to experiment. You might discover something new about yourself. You might grow and realize the strength of your self-esteem like never before.

Start the new year right by giving yourself permission to rest and reset

Staycations are awesome. I’ve written about the power of them on this site before. But there’s a time and a place for them. I don’t know if I’m the only one, but sometimes I try to slip in a chore or errand while I’m trying to staycation. Like some sort of sickening guilt comes over me when I go on a local adventure close to a friend’s house that I haven’t seen in a while. Thoughts of guilt and maybe I need to go visit them instead fill my mind.

But by going away at the start of the year, I allow myself permission to reset and rest, away from my daily responsibilities that are lurking around every corner.

We all rest and reset differently. For me, exploring a new place and pushing myself is how I reset and recharge. That’s not the case for everyone and it’s okay.

December is usually the busiest month of the year for most people, and by the time January comes around, a fluffy hotel bed and room service can feel indulgent and just what you need.

Or, like the beginning of 2023, you’re getting depressed and sick of the cold, snowy weather outside and just need to escape to a sunnier climate.

However you practice self-care, taking time at the beginning of the new year is a great way to take a figurative deep breath and long exhale.

A solo adventure can inspire new creative ideas for the year ahead

For the same reason taking PTO from work can help create boundaries for yourself/coworkers/boss and destress, shaking up your environment by taking a solo adventure can help you start fresh and also clear your mind.

When you change up your environment, experience new places and meet new people, you get pushed out of your usual routine. Getting pushed out of your routine is a great way to jump-start the creativity process. All of a sudden you are inspired, have new ideas, interests, and even personal goals and projects.

Traveling and adventuring solo also means that you have to rely on yourself. You make the decisions, have to react to situations, and problem-solve. When you do this, you have fewer distractions and you’re allowed space to really pay attention. You notice your surroundings, your thoughts, and your overall well-being. You never know when inspiration will strike!

You might discover newfound confidence with a solo adventure

When you travel solo, you’re stepping out of your comfort zone, which takes a lot of courage. Especially that first time. I never thought of myself as courageous. When I learned about solo travel, it just felt right and the next step I needed to take. At no point did I stop to think if I was brave enough. I just did it. And then I learned how unique I am.

It takes guts to check into a new hotel alone. Sit at a restaurant. Lounge by the pool, planning your goals for the new year. When you travel solo and start doing this, you create a powerful ritual akin to lifting weights and building muscle. Pretty soon you find yourself doing more and more, going further and further.

Setting aside time to yourself to invest in your personal growth and development is something that we need to relish and savor. The goal is to return at the end of the trip, energized with a zest for the new year ahead.

Plus, any kind of travel is rewarding, especially when there are ups and downs. When you overcome challenges such as missing flights, losing luggage, getting lost or sick, you come away with the confidence to tackle said challenges. When you do this at the beginning of the new year, you set the precedence and tone for the rest of the year to follow.

How do you start the new year right? Do you go on solo adventures?

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