Street Art in Salt Lake City, Part 3

Street Art in Salt Lake City, Part 3

When I first started asking around if anyone knew of street art in Salt Lake City, most people would look at me with a blank expression on their face. I get it. Most people don’t associate Salt Lake City as a place where expression is welcomed and accepted. I sure didn’t.

When I set out to make my ‘first’ post highlighting the street art in Salt Lake City, I had no idea that I would need to add a second installment, let alone plan out a third and maybe even a fourth! There are just so many gems around obscure corners, popular businesses, and often hidden in plain sight.

If you’re a fan of street art, I urge you to come to Salt Lake City and experience the beauty that is found all around.

And not-surprisingly at all…one of my favorite past-times has become driving, walking, and taking the train around town, looking for more street art. Allow me to introduce some of my new discoveries and follow me on a tour around the street art in Salt Lake City!

**I should also take a second to mention that there are a lot more pieces of street art in Salt Lake City. However, a few that I have found had a few gang-related tags over them and others that were in not-so-safe areas. I only highlight and recommend seeing pieces in well-trafficked, safe areas that I feel comfortable walking around solo.**

#1 Impact Hub Salt Lake

Located on the northwest corner of 200 South and State Street, just behind the Carl’s Jr. lies the Impact Hub Salt Lake, a co-working and shared workplace in the heart of downtown. I take the bus along 200 South, but often got off the bus before hitting this major intersection. While my friend and I were en-route to another possible street art location, our sight was arrested by this beautiful mural, high in the air.

Out of all the street art in Salt Lake City, this is definitely in my top 3 personal favorites. Not only are the bright purple and rainbow of colors against the black so striking, but if you look closely in the body of the owl, you can see constellations from the night sky. Painted by the Australian-born artist Vexta, this owl and its kaleidoscope of colors is definitely not to be missed!

Street Art in Salt Lake City, Part 3

#2 Ken Sanders Rare Books

Tucked around the corner of Ken Sanders Rare Books at 268 South 200 East is a street art smorgasbord, covering the north and south walls of the building. The pieces of art are a little difficult to spot from the street, but if you’re on foot…there’s another world you can step into as you get close. There’s also a parking lot on the north side of the bookstore so you can get out and explore. And when you’ve gotten your fill of the street art, take a step inside the bookstore and “remember what a book smells like!”

Street Art in Salt Lake City, Part 3
Street Art in Salt Lake City, Part 3
Street Art in Salt Lake City, Part 3
Street Art in Salt Lake City, Part 3

#3 Red Rock Panorama

Have you ever been driving along when something catches your eye? When that happened to you, did you stop to check it out, or did you just keep going? My friend and I were driving one day, trying to avoid the traffic of downtown Salt Lake City and wound up taking a few random side streets.

We found ourselves heading west on 800 South, just between 300-400 West, when we suddenly pulled over on the south side of the street, across from the Fisher Brewing Company. I know nothing about the artist, why she/he chose that particular spot, nor the story behind it. All I know is that the red rocks, the sky, and the purple mountains in the background bring warmth to my soul and color to an otherwise stark, industrial part of town.

Street Art in Salt Lake City, Part 3

#4 Book Mural

Out of all the places and pieces of street art in Salt Lake City that I set out to find, the Book Mural was by-far the most elusive! The few posts I found about the Book Mural just indicated that it was behind the 222 Main Street building.

Well, if you’re like me and prefer to do some drive-by passes before trying to figure out if you want to park in downtown or take the train in, trust me when I say that you can’t see this mural from Main Street. The best way to access this is to start at the 222 Main Street building (the big glass one with 222 over the door), head to the south end of the building where there’s a small, alley-way-looking passage, and follow that to a private-looking courtyard.

The mural will hit you in the face! Not really, but once you enter the courtyard it’s pretty hard to miss!

Street Art in Salt Lake City, Part 3
Street Art in Salt Lake City, Part 3
Street Art in Salt Lake City, Part 3

Brief shout-out to all my friends who trek around Salt Lake City with me to discover these wonderful pieces of art; those who find them and shoot me the locations; those who model for me as well! I love discovering my newfound home and the secrets she has to offer!


Street Art in Salt Lake City, Part 3