Olomouc, Czech Republic in 7 Pictures

Olomouc, Czech Republic in 7 Pictures

Quaint, full of history, and having a rainbow of colorful building sprawling throughout the city, it was easily love at first sight with Olomouc, Czech Republic. I left a week after my study abroad program in Germany completely devoid of plans, hoping that I was going to meet some awesome people to travel around with. Or, I was hoping to learn about a new place for a solo visit. Either way, I was approaching the end of my program and feeling fancy free.

I ended up making plans with Michael (name changed) from my program and found myself back in Prague with him for 5 days. Wanting to get out of the city, I contacted my dear friend Nikki for her suggestion of a day trip. Come to find out, one of her most favorite towns in Eastern Europe just happened to be a 2-hour train ride away: Olomouc. I excitedly invited Michael to accompany me for a spontaneous day trip, only to find myself setting off on my own: he still had some places in Prague he wanted to check (Czech?) out. No big deal. I wanted to go and wasn’t about to change my plans for him!

With my scant list of places to see, things to eat, and pictures to take, I set off from Praha hlavní nádraží with a $19USD round trip ticket to a new destination in Olomouc. When I arrived at the Olomouc station, it hit me that I probably should have looked at a map or something before I arrived. Or taken the time to learn a few key words in Czech, like “north” or “train” or “bathroom.” Oops. Not letting a language barrier stand in my way, I looked around and found a city map like I did when visiting Auschwitz, took a picture, and then headed off in search of adventure. What I found transported me back to a simpler time, where Baroque was king and cobblestones were en vogue. See for yourself and ask if you need to book at trip to Olomouc…

Olomouc, Czech Republic in 7 Pictures
High atop the Church of Saint Maurice, a sweeping view is worth the climb up the double-helix staircases. Whenever I travel someplace new, I try to view it from a higher vantage point.
Olomouc, Czech Republic in 7 Pictures
Prague isn’t the only city in the Czech Republic that boasts an astrological clock!
Olomouc, Czech Republic in 7 Pictures
Colorful old square with the Holy Trinity Column, a UNESCO site
Olomouc, Czech Republic in 7 Pictures
Windows framed with beautiful flowers dotted the streets
Olomouc, Czech Republic in 7 Pictures
Cobblestone street wind a veritable labyrinth throughout Olomouc
Olomouc, Czech Republic in 7 Pictures
Is this alley even real life? Olomouc is full of beauty around every corner
Olomouc, Czech Republic in 7 Pictures
And for good measure, another bird’s-eye view of Olomouc – a truly beautiful and almost devoid of crowds

Have you ever been to Olomouc before? Would you like to?


Olomouc, Czech Republic in 7 Pictures