Why You Need to go Sea Kayaking in Alaska

I don’t know about you, but every time I go on a trip, I’m looking for the ultimate adventure. The penultimate experience that shines brighter than most everything else on the trip. The one that I always look back on with a grin on my face. And last month, I found it. I went sea kayaking in Alaska.

Among glaciers.

I kid you not.

It was the kind of thing you see on adventure commercials for like, Patagonia or other companies, with epic music hammering in the background.

And I just ate it up.

This was an experience that will stay with me forever. It will weave in and out of my dreams and become the pinnacle to which I compare every other outdoorsy-type activity when I’m in Alaska again.

You need to go sea kayaking in Alaska, too!

And let me tell you why.

Sea kayaking in Alaska is outside the “standard” vacation package

When you think about a trip to Alaska and what it all entails, what comes to mind? For the longest time, I equated a trip to Alaska with a cruise, hunting, or fishing. I didn’t really know much else about how to experience the area.

Up until now, I still don’t know anyone (aside from myself and Ashley) who dared to do something different than the expected activities.

Don’t get me wrong – a cruise to Alaska sounds like a lot of fun. My brother enjoyed his time fishing in Alaska. And the bear jerky that I ate years ago from some friends that processed it themselves has stayed in my mind.

But sometimes, it’s good to go out and try something different. Go against the norm. Fight the expectations. Resist the Man.

Just kidding on that last one.

In all seriousness – when you go on vacation to rugged and remote places like Alaska, aren’t you looking for something different? To do things that you can’t do at home? Or wouldn’t?

Sea kayaking in Alaska was something that I couldn’t do at home – there are no glaciers in Utah (that I’m aware of).

sea kayaking in alaska - yellow kayak in a bay next to a glacier

You see a different side of the country when sea kayaking in Alaska

There are tons of glaciers in Alaska. And they’re massive. But most of them require a helicopter ride or an insane hike to get even remotely close to.

When sea kayaking in Alaska, you get to paddle right next to these giants. You get to listen to the thunder-like snaps of the ice breaking and falling.

Have you ever paddled through glacier poop? Or avoided sea life out on the water?

Nothing beats paddling along and then BOOM there’s a waterfall!

BOOM there’s a cave to explore.

Was that a bald eagle that just soared overhead? Yes. Yes it was. And there’s another one.

You allow yourself to be dwarfed and feel the grandiose nature of Alaska

Perspective is a strong teacher that doesn’t require words to make a point. When you are sea kayaking in Alaska and are next to a glacier, you finally can appreciate just how massive they are.

And it’s amazing how quickly they command your respect by just…being.

(It also throws the reality of climate control in your face, whatever your beliefs are about that.)

Waterfalls are taller and stronger, beckoning you closer, while the force of the fall pushing you away.

You’re constantly scanning just beneath the surface of the water, wondering if a massive whale is going to come up and say g’day, while silently hoping that they don’t get too close.

Every sound – every splash, swish, slap – makes you whip your head around, bracing yourself for whatever might come your way.

Sea kayaking in Alaska is fun!

If you like physical activity, being on the water, and meeting cool, like-minded people, you’ll fully appreciate how fun sea kayaking is.

Feeling the power you create with your paddles as you navigate close to marvels that you’ve only ever seen online or in magazines.

Plus, when you exercise and get your blood pumping, you notice that your whole mood lifts.

Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands.

Elle Woods, “Legally Blonde”

And most likely, you haven’t gone sea kayaking in Alaska before, so everything is new and exciting.

selfie sea kayaking in alaska in front of a glacier

So if you’re ready to go sea kayaking in Alaska, I highly recommend checking out Alaska Sea Kayakers based out of Whittier, Alaska. Just a short (and scenic) drive south from Anchorage, you get to head out to Blackstone Bay for the day and get your life changed. Seriously. This isn’t sponsored or anything – I just really enjoyed my trip with them and our guide Calvin!

Would you ever want to go sea kayaking in Alaska? Have you ever done it before?

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