My Crazy First Overnight Train Experience

Lately I’ve been binge-watching a YouTube travel channel, trying to satiate the travel bug while actively avoiding purchasing a flight to somewhere for a summer trip. And in the last dozen episodes or so, the people I’m watching have traveled on a handful of trains. It made me seriously nostalgic and prompted me to remember my first overnight train experience.

Although this experience happened a few years ago (okay, well, a lot more than a few), I thought it would be fun to write like it was happening right now.

Setting the scene: in 2014 I studied abroad in Germany. Before the semester started, I flew to the Czech Republic for my first foray into the world of solo travel. It was my first time in Europe, my first time in another country, and my first time backpacking.

I had planned to land in Prague in the morning, explore the old town all day, then board an overnight train to Auschwitz. I thought I was SO SMART – combining a border crossing with accommodations. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into.

This story begins not with the overnight train ride, but the lead-up from when I first touched down in the Prague airport.

(And please excuse the quality of the photos, as they were taking with an iPhone 4, in sub-optimal lighting, and with a weird filter that I thought was cool at the time.)

display in the Prague train station - my first overnight train experience

OMG, I can’t believe I’m in EUROPE!!

I find it hard to believe that I just flew from LA to Detroit to Amsterdam and am finally in PRAGUE! Okay, first things first – I’m a hot mess. Need to run to the restroom and freshen up a bit. Thank goodness I packed my toothbrush, toothpaste, and deodorant close to the top for easy access!

Now that I don’t smell like the bottom of a sweaty gym bag, it’s time to seize the day!

Breeze through customs, check!

ATM, check!

Baggage claim, not this trip!

Don’t those people know how awesome I am for carrying on everything I need? Oh look, other backpackers! I’m one of them now!

Okay…so now where do I go? I have 12 hours to kill in Prague before my overnight train to Auschwitz leaves, but…how do I get out of the airport?

Well that was an hour wasted running around. Why didn’t I plan out how to get to the old town better? Or at least read a blog or two about this? Ugh, rookie mistake. Noted. Won’t happen again. Of course there’s a shuttle from the airport to the city center!

Wow, old town Prague is beautiful!

Man, I am having a difficult time staying awake! Maybe trying to beat jet lag is a hoax? I figured if I didn’t sleep during any of my flights, walked around all day in Prague, then I’d be ready to crash on my overnight train. I didn’t factor in all the walking, stress, and straight-up fatigue that I’m feeling to contribute to me almost falling asleep in my lunch.

Or on that little touristy train that I thought was a good idea.

I’m just going to sit on this park bench for a second and collect myself.

Wait, where is my train ticket?

WHEW! I thought I lost it for a second. Okay, there’s the one for tonight’s ride, but what about the ticket for my return trip?


Excuse me, sir, do you speak English?

Please, sir, do you speak English?

Oh, thank goodness! Do you know where this address is? No? Do you know where I can find a taxi? Over there? I don’t see one.

That unmarked white car? Are you sure? Okay, thanks.

I sure hope this is an actual taxi, or at least he’s going to take me where I need to go and not down a back road.

Well he looks like a nice old man. Hopefully he can help me find the train company office!

Great, he doesn’t speak English. Why didn’t I think to learn a few Czech words before I got here?

Oh well. No use stressing about it. I’m good at charades. Let’s see if I can communicate what I need.

How long have we been driving around?? I’m going to miss the train! How in the world did I waste away 10 hours already, and still not have my return ticket??

Oh, that’s right. Because I had the outbound ticket mailed to me and then thought I’d be smart and pick up the return ticket in person. Because I thought it could be picked up in the Auschwitz station. Didn’t stop to think that since it was purchased through a Czech company, the tickets would need to be picked up in Prague!

Where are we? I’m starting to sweat.

Wait, was that the office? If I wave my arms, will he stop?

Okay, he stopped. Time to mime again.

blurry selfie in the back of an unmarked taxi in Prague - my first overnight train experience

I hope he understood me – that he was to stay there with all of my stuff while I run into the office and grab my ticket.

OMG what if he leaves? I’ll be stranded!.

No, don’t think about that. Just be quick and get the ticket. Time to see if the whole “people are inherently good” concept is true.

WHEW! He’s still there, waiting for me. Now comes the cold sweats out of sheer relief.

I’m pretty sure that I just paid a premium for that taxi ride, but at this point I could care less. He got me to the station and, yup, there’s my train!

blurry selfie at the train door - my first overnight train experience

Wow, this train is so perfect! It looks old and everything I imagined an Eastern European train to look like!

Okay, here’s my compartment. It’s empty? Oh well.

My ticket says that I have the top left bunk. Ugh, that’ll have to do. No midnight potty runs then. I don’t know how I’ll be able to climb down 2 bunks to get to the ground without waking everyone up. That’s it, no more liquids until morning. What time is it?

Update: my 5 other compartment-mates have arrived and they’re already drunk. No wonder Americans get a bad rep everywhere. Not only are they already drunk, but they have a box full of bottles. How did they get that on here? Oh well. It’s going to be a long night. At least they told me that I can switch down to one of the bottom bunks since I’ll be disembarking before they do.

It smells in here. Or maybe that’s just me. I’m not 100% sure because my face is buried in my messenger bag. I’m using my neck pillow as my main support, but because my new friends are completely smashed, I have my Dickies bag at my head and my feet on my backpack. I’m definitely not comfortable, but at least I have contact with all of my possessions. I guess I could put them under the bed, but I’d rather not.

Aaaaand that’s the second time my new friends have offered me a shot of something from their box of alcohol. No thanks, I’ll pass.

Besides, I was super jet lagged, exhausted, and wanted to take advantage of being on an overnight train. SLEEEEEEEPPPPPPP! Time to put in my earplugs and use my eye mask for the first time.

Here we go!

Dude, I was asleep! Why would you think I would want to wake up and take a shot with you? No, thank you. Remember how I said I was super tired and needed to be up at 4:30 to get off the train?

No? Oh, that’s right. You’re having a hard time remembering where you are. I forgot. Goodnight.

Seriously? It’s been an hour. I got a cat nap. Barely. No, I don’t want to drink with you guys tonight. Please let me sleep.

I know I’m cute, but that doesn’t mean I want to drink with you. Goodnight.

Where’s a pen? Just in case I need to pull a Jason Bourne on this overnight train…

selfie in the dark on a train bed, unamused by my compartment mates - first overnight train experience

Oh, so we’re doing this again? No. I don’t drink. I don’t want to drink with you. Leave me alone. What time is it? 2am? I’m going to be the walking dead today. Great. Not what I was hoping when I visit Auschwitz, but I’ll pull through.

Yes, I think you’ll find love someday. You might luck out in Krakow, isn’t that where you’re going? Yes, I’m sure there are a ton of hot chicks in Poland just waiting for you to charm them. That’s it, have another drink on me. Of your own alcohol.

For the love. Please pass out!


Ugh, where’s my phone? I hope my alarm doesn’t wake anyone else up! What time did I set this for?

Haha nobody stirred! They’re not going to be feeling too well when they all wake up in a a few hours, based on how empty their box is now.

Okay, it’s 4:30. Where are my shoes?

Do my teeth have sweaters? Ew. Where’s my gum?

Ah, that’s better.

I need to make my way out of the compartment. Do I dare turn on a light? No, I’ll use my phone. Okay, that’s better. Which way is the quickest way to the train doors?

Wow, it’s really dark outside.

I don’t think I even got into a REM cycle last night. I feel like I’ve been run over by a bus.

Hey there’s a train attendant.

How in the world are we 2 hours behind schedule?

I could still be asleep, taking advantage of the fact that my compartment mates are passed out and have stopped waking me up for shots! Thank goodness the attendant said he’d come wake me up when we get into the Auschwitz station.

But will he?

I better keep myself awake. This is going to be tough. Okay, if I keep my shoes on, twist my body like this on the bed, keep chewing my gum, and pretend I’m keeping some kind of weird beat with my hands, I should be able to stay awake.

I hope nobody looks into our compartment because I look like a complete nut!

Okay, that was definitely 3 hours, not 2, but hooray that the train attendant remembered me!

I passed out for a bit and thankfully…yep…gum is still in my mouth instead of my hair.

Now, let’s get off this train and figure out how to get to the camp. It’s going to be a long, emotional day…

auschwitz train station sign - my first overnight train experience

What do you think of my first overnight train experience? Have you ever traveled on an overnight train before? Was your experience as eventful?

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