Yellowstone National Park

The Thrill of Sharing Adventures

**The beginnings of this post were originally written in the summer of 2019**

The other day I was sitting at my desk, talking to my mom about my weekend plans and I mentioned that I wanted to check out this year’s Farmers Market. I missed the first 2 Saturdays and already started to feel the summer slip by. How is it almost July already?


It was decided. Saturday morning wouldn’t be devoted to catching those extra zzz that I desperately wanted, but getting myself back into the habit of embarking upon local adventures.

Upon further reflection, I thought it might be fun to take a new friend and introduce her to something that brings me a lot of happiness: adventure.

I tend to be extremely vocal about solo travel and how much it has shaped me into the person I am today. I advocate that everyone would benefit from taking a solo trip at some point in their life – weather it’s an extended round-the-world type of trip or a quick weekender. And because I do so, it’s natural for people to believe that I don’t enjoy sharing adventures with others.

sharing adventures with nikki - selfie in a car in romania
Transfagarasan Highway, Romania

That is most definitely NOT the case!

Sure, solo travel is my preferred choice, but I also love the thrill of sharing adventures with friends…especially when you’re compatible adventurers!

sharing adventures - 2 pairs of feet poking up out of the water in the caribbean
St. John, USVI

And the adventures don’t have to be far from home. I have been wanting to write a few new posts about Salt Lake City, highlighting some fun, lesser-known activities and sweet shops, but ultimately thought it would be way more fun to bring along some fellow adventurers.

sharing adventures - group selfie at the start of a race
Dirty Dash 5K, Utah

Think about the first time you watched a movie that would become your favorite. Then think about the time you watched it with a friend who hadn’t seen it before, or maybe just loved it as much as you. How many times did you turn to look at them during the movie, observe their reaction, share a smile or laugh with them?

How much more enjoyable was your experience, being able to share that movie with a friend?

The thrill of sharing adventures with friends and loved ones takes that enjoyment to the next level.

2 girls under a heavily-stickered road sign - the thrill of sharing adventures

Every experience becomes a treasured memory or inside joke.

Like this picture of Ashley and I when we decided to drive along the Extraterrestrial Highway in Nevada. Although I love a good road trip, this particular one was more special because I was able to share the adventure with a friend.

We neared closer to where the Extraterrestrial Highway was apparently supposed to start, literally in the middle of Nevada. The “Extraterrestrial Highway” sign swam into view, the words almost completely obscured by stickers with which visitors thought it essential to tag.

(As if that was to help call the aliens to the highway faster.)

And then as we were trying to figure out how to get a good selfie of the two of us without the semi in the background, the rumble of motorcycles filled the air. After a brief momentary scare with the prospect of the riders belonging to a particular club, they rolled into view and became fast friends with us…culminating in an awesome photo opportunity where they assumed that I was the driver of the rig.

group picture in front of a frozen lake - the thrill of sharing adventures

Each picture carries more meaning because of the the memories behind it.

Like this picture of the time I did the polar plunge with friends. After having a hole cut in the iced-over lake, my friends and I decided to welcome 2015 by jumping into the arctic lake.

After the shock of the plunge, we made our way to the edge of the shore (well, the ice) and hopped out. As we shakily walked barefoot across the snow to where our clothes were, we realized that our wet hair had frozen. And even after we managed to navigate our beet-red limbs into our sweats, our hair was still frozen.

Now looking at this picture, you can appreciate how cold I was (I’m in the middle with the white sweatshirt and green pants) and how much I am actually shaking, the frozen icicles that used to be my hair dancing on the back of my neck.

Although we might be in different living situations as other people, it’s important to realize that it doesn’t matter if the adventure costs one month’s salary or is free – the thrill of adventure is the same. Our endorphins don’t understand cost, money, time, etc.

So even though I continue to plan and execute solo adventures in my backyard and around the world, I won’t readily forget the thrill of sharing adventures with friends.

Dear Alaska, Ashley and I are coming for ya soon!

What do you think? When was the last time YOU felt the thrill of sharing adventures with someone else?

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