3 Places You Just HAVE to Eat at in Boston

3 Places You Just HAVE to Eat at in Boston

Let’s face it – one of the best things about traveling to new places is tasting new foods and exposing our palates to new cuisines. Often times you don’t even have to travel very far to find something new to experience. When I was heading to Boston, I started to Google “seafood restaurants in Boston, best seafood in Boston, best restaurants in Boston”…you get the idea.

My searches yielded hundreds of results, but few that really stuck out in my mind and I rarely trust random reviews online. Rather than picking places to eat off of Yelp or some random compilation from Trip Advisor, I turned to Facebook and asked for recommendations from locals…and wasn’t disappointed. Here are my top 3 places to eat in Boston. You can thank me later.

Legal Sea Foods

When I was trying to figure out what to eat in Boston, one thing came to mind: clam chowder. And to be honest, when I started asking people where to find the best clam chowder, the last thing I expected was to be directed to a chain.

But when the 3rd person suggested Legal Sea Foods, I finally accepted the recommendation and made my way to one of the best lunch spots in Boston.

3 Places You Just HAVE to Eat at in Boston

The verdict?


Go to Legal Sea Foods and experience what New England Clam Chowder is supposed to taste like. One of the upsides of being a popular chain is that there are locations everywhere. Want to dine at one of the popular Boston waterfront restaurants?

Never fear…there’s a Legal Sea Foods there!

Pho Pasteur

3 Places You Just HAVE to Eat at in Boston

When you think about the best food in Boston, raise your hand if pho comes to mind.


Yup, me too.

After gorging myself on some amazing clam chowder at Legal Seafood, I was eager to try something a little off-beat. After consulting some contacts, I decided that I wanted another kind of soup: pho. If you’re scratching your head right about now, pho (pronounced FUH…as in fun, without the “n”) is a Vietnamese noodle soup with dark, rich broth. Try it. Don’t be scared.

Located within Boston’s Chinatown district, close to the Chinatown T station and a popular hostel, Pho Pasteur is constantly on the best food in Boston and best restaurants in Boston compilations that cities and local gastronomic associations publish. And rightfully so. After walking around Boston for hours on end and feeling a little chilly, I eagerly awaited my bowl of heaven.

3 Places You Just HAVE to Eat at in Boston

Pho is often served with a plate of basil, lime, and bean sprouts, and there’s often a handful of sauces on the side. One of the unique things about eating food from southeast Asia is that every bite can be different. Add the beans and basil, squeeze the lime, and try all of the sauces. You won’t know if you like it or not until you try it. Believe me – this soup is amazing and will warm your core during those cold, bone-chilling New England nights!


Is there really anything better than fresh food? I’ve written numerous times about my love for farmers markets, both at home and in my travels. I happened upon Haymarket quite by accident, while walking along the Freedom Trail from Faneuil Hall.

Haymarket is one of Boston’s oldest outdoor markets, boasting vendors since 1830. It’s even said that merchants have gathered in the general vicinity since the 1600s, although the actual location is debatable.

Take some time to meander through the stalls, admire the vibrant colors of the produce, and smell the seasonal flowers. While not a total sensory-overload, it will be a great break from the hustle and bustle of the city.

3 Places You Just HAVE to Eat at in Boston

As I passed by the various vendors selling enticing strawberries, melons, and peppers, I found myself drawn to a stand full of oysters. I love shellfish, but must confess that I’d never had oysters before.

Mussels, clams, all ocean-crawly things, yes.

Oysters? I still have a hard time understanding why people would spend so much money on something that looks like a booger.

But at $5/plate, I couldn’t resist. I try to eat new foods when I travel, no matter how “exotic” they might or might not be. Traveling is all about experiences, so why not have one for $5?

3 Places You Just HAVE to Eat at in Boston
3 Places You Just HAVE to Eat at in Boston
3 Places You Just HAVE to Eat at in Boston
No, I’m not posing while chugging down an oyster…I’m trying to prevent my sunglasses from falling off!

There are so many places to eat in Boston, that sometimes it can be quite overwhelming to find the right one for you. Good restaurants in Boston are a dime a dozen, so you’re almost guaranteed to have a delicious meal wherever you decide to sit. But sometimes it’s a relief to jump off the beaten path and try something different.

Have you ever eaten at any of these places? What was your experience? In your opinion, what is the best food in Boston? Where can I find the best seafood in Boston for my next visit?

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3 Places You Just HAVE to Eat at in Boston