Experiencing Muir Woods

Experiencing Muir Woods

When I started planning my latest trip to San Francisco, I knew that I needed to visit Muir Woods again. I remember going to Muir Woods when I was a kid: my grandparents lived in the Bay Area while I was growing up, which made vacations fun.   I don’t remember if they came with us or not, but in my memory, they’re there. My granddad died when I was a young teenager, and while I wish I got to know him as an adult, I felt like visiting Muir Woods would be a way to remember him.

Experiencing Muir Woods

I was in San Francisco over Labor Day weekend 2016. I know. Visiting major cities on holidays can sometimes be a headache. Fortunately, solo travel can afford some flexibility. After doing some research, I decided to follow the basic advice of so many others: arrive early and not on a weekend. 

Actually getting to Muir Woods is quite an adventure. From where I was staying, it was a 90 minute drive. Silly me. I forgot to factor in early morning rush-hour traffic. Living in Salt Lake City as long as I’ve been, it’s easy to forget just how extreme traffic could be…even at 6:00am. And I had that weird mindset that since I’m on vacation, shouldn’t everyone else be? Dumb, I know.

Fortunately, my mom is an amazing driver and taught me well. 

Experiencing Muir Woods

Once I crossed over the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge, I followed the signs to Muir Woods. It was that simple. Since most of the area was back to work/school, my drive after getting off the freeway was pretty clear. I started to get really excited and worried at the same time.

Worried? On vacation? Going to the woods? What?

Let me explain. You know when you have a memory of something that you’re about to revisit/re-experience after a really long time? And you start to wonder if all of the buildup in your mind is justified? You start to hope that your memory was real, and not what you hoped it was like. Was that drink really delicious? Did that beach really have the softest sand? Was Muir Woods really as amazing as I remembered (since I was a kid when I visited the fist time)? Am I just building this whole thing up in my mind, only to be let down as soon as I arrive?

Experiencing Muir Woods

After 9:00am, Muir Woods can tend to get crowded, even on a weekday. My goal was simple: get my first lap in before the crowds arrive. By the time I got to the parking lot, I breathed a sigh of relief: there was a parking spot. I’d heard that parking could be a beast. I took my time getting to the entrance. I wanted to savor the moment and hoped that my expectations were about to be met. 

3 words: IT. WAS. SURREAL“Is this real life?”

Experiencing Muir Woods

Ethereal – I felt like I was in Middle Earth. You know, without the expensive plane ticket to New Zealand.

Experiencing Muir Woods

Peaceful – there were many times I found myself alone in a secluded corner.

Experiencing Muir Woods

I was ready to be blown away by nature…and nature didn’t disappoint. My favorite place is called Cathedral Grove. It’s a section of the wood where visitors are asked to remain quiet. The section is a sanctuary for wildlife and I considered it a refuge from my day-to-day life. I was again grateful that there were so few of us in the wood at the time. My favorite moment was watching the sun rise through the trees. It was one of those moments that will stay with me forever.

I am so glad I decided to revisit Muir Woods. I would love to go again, maybe on a misty day?

Experiencing Muir Woods

Have you ever been to Muir Woods before? 


Experiencing Muir Woods