Never Underestimate the "Unglamorous" Destinations

Never Underestimate the “Unglamorous” Destinations

I think it’s great fun to travel to places that other people might consider “unglamorous” or unworthy to be featured on Instagram. Not all of us have unlimited access to breathtaking beaches, stunning skylines and rooftop views, or even snow-capped mountains. And even if we do have access, sometimes it’s good to show some love to those “unglamorous” destinations.

Whether it’s small-town America or a lesser-known city in Europe, it has been my experience that you can have an adventure anywhere in the world, even in your own backyard! Not every destination needs to be Insta-worthy, and sometimes the “unglamorous” destinations offer more than we can ever know. And you never know how destinations can change.

Remember back when Thailand was considered off-the-beaten path, where only the hardiest of people would venture? Now…not so much, as it has grown in popularity and become known as the backpacker’s jumping-off point.

I’ve found that I get a sick sense of pleasure when talking with friends about a place I’m thinking of heading to…mainly because their response has become so cliché to me.

The conversation inevitably goes something like:

“Really?” Their eyes narrow and nose crinkles. “You really want to go there?”

“Yup! Should be a lot of fun!” I enthusiastically grin, eyes wide.

“Okay…” Then they change the subject, since it’s obvious I’m not going to listen to their opinion as they stare at me, disbelief oozing from their body language.

Haha if I had a nickel every time I’ve experienced this, I could spend days at Nickel-Nickel. Or live at the nickel slots in Las Vegas. But since I don’t gamble, let’s go with Nickel-Nickel.

Never Underestimate the "Unglamorous" Destinations

And the best part of these reactions are that they weren’t based off of personal experience. When I told my friends that I was going to drive the Extraterrestrial Highway in the middle of Nevada, I was met with cheeky eye-rolling. Had they ever been? No, but I’m willing to bet that since it wasn’t on the “Top 10 Scenic Drives in America” or hadn’t been covered by National Geographic, it wasn’t going to be a great experience.

News flash, people: you can have adventures anywhere!

During that drive along the Extraterrestrial Highway, Ashley and I had to dodge cows as they crossed the small highway that wound through their open ranges. We narrowly avoided catastrophe as we rolled into a gas station in the middle of nowhere, close to the Californian border on nothing but fumes. We laughed, we marveled at the beauty all around us, and congratulated ourselves on the fact that less than 5 cars passed by us as we pulled off the side of the road, taking pictures for a good 45 minutes.

Especially for those of you who live outside of the United States, how many times have you seen Wyoming on a destination list? Or have you even heard of it? Exactly. A friend and I decided to drive 60 minutes east from our home and spend the day in and around Evanston, Wyoming. People in our social circles didn’t understand why we’d even bother with such a trip. Choruses of “what is there to do…” punctuated our conversations, but we went, undeterred. Not only did we have a blast driving around the backroads, dodging cattle (I’m starting to see a trend), but loved the apparent simple life: no traffic, noise, or insane shopping centers.

Now that I’m thinking about it, some of my favorite memories have come from those “unglamorous” destinations:

Picking my own flowers to make my own lei on Molokai, Hawaii.

Sitting outside of a supermarket in Ely, Nevada, watching the sunrise while listening to the opening song from “The Lion King.”

Having a stand-off with a cow, just outside of the Piedmont Ghost Town in Wyoming.

Never Underestimate the "Unglamorous" Destinations

So what’s the point of this post?

I’ll keep saying it until I’m blue in the face: you can have adventures anywhere. People are going to have their own opinions on where you should travel, and your Pinterest boards are going to be flooded with beautiful beaches, flowing dresses, and floppy hats.

Nothing is going to change that.

But you can choose where you go on vacation, or where you spend your getaway day/weekend. And you know what? It doesn’t have to be a popular destination. It doesn’t have to look like it should have a National Geographic feature.

Get out and visit those “unglamorous” destinations and have yourself a good time! You just might find your next favorite spot!

Have you ever been to an “unglamorous” destination? Which one? What did you think?

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Never Underestimate the "Unglamorous" Destinations